Legal Notices

Cookie Policy

Mentions legales temoins }

In Accordance with Law 25

At La Fabrique de la paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal, we want to be transparent about how we use cookies on our website.


We use a variety of cookies. Some of these are essential for the proper functioning of our website. Others can be declined or blocked according to your preferences.


Should you have any questions about how we use cookies, please email us at



What is a Cookie?

Cookies are files containing a small amount of data about a particular user. This data may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are stored on a user’s computer or on the hard drive of another device. Amongst other things, they allow us to tailor your user experience each time you visit our website and remember your browsing preferences.

Some cookies may contain personal information. However, this is not the case for all types of cookies. The processing of your personal information is governed by our Privacy Policy, which you can read here.



The Different Types of Cookies We Use

The cookies we use perform up to five different functions:

(1) Performance cookies: We use these cookies to improve website performance.

(2) Analytics cookies: We use these cookies to analyze how our visitors use our website.

(3) Functionality cookies: We use these cookies to remember your preferences each time you visit our website.

4) Essential cookies: Some cookies are essential to the operation of our website.   Disabling these cookies will prevent you from accessing our website or using any of its features.

5) Advertising cookies: We use these cookies to provide browsers with relevant and personalized advertising and marketing campaigns.


List of Performance Cookies


 Name of Cookie     Duration          Function

_gat                          1 minute      Google Analytics – limits the number of requests made to the website



List of Analytics Cookies


Name of Cookie     Duration          Function

_gcl_au                   3 months         Google Tag Manager – Conversion tracking

_ga                           2 years         Google Analytics – Distinguishes visitors

_gid                          1 day       Google Analytics – Analyzes how the website is used by visitors




List of Functionality Cookies


Will be available soon.



List of Essential Cookies


Name of Cookie     Duration        

PHPSESSID               SessionPHP – Native cookie


Identifies and retains a visitor’s unique session identifier to manage the visitor’s session on the website



List of Advertising Cookies


Nom du témoin            Durée                    Utilité

test_cookie                     15 minutes             Google – Checks for the possibility of using cookies on the visitor’s browser

IDE                                   1 year, 24 days      Google - Targeting

fbp                                   3 months               Facebook - Targeting

fr                                      3 months               Facebook - Targeting




Privacy Policies & InformationAbout Our Cookie Providers


To learn more about the cookies of the providers mentioned above, please visit the links below:

  • Facebook:

To learn more about the cookies used by Facebook:

To read Facebook’s privacy policy:

  • Google:

To learn more about how Google uses cookies:

To prevent your data from being collected by Google Analytics:

To read Google’s privacy policy:


Your Preferences

You may instruct your browser to disable or restrict the cookies we use. However, doing so may prevent you from properly accessing our website.

You may also inform us of your preferences here.

For more information about cookies, you may visit the following website:


Updated on May 19, 2024

Notre-Dame Basilica of Montréal Foundation

Reconnect with classical music or jazz. All proceeds will go to the Restoration Project, a long term endeavor managed by the Notre-Dame Basilica’s Foundation.


Under the direction of Jean-Pierre Zanella, a jazz quartet brings a touch of warmth to early spring, with Brazilian-inspired music on April 12th.

Get your tickets