Activities at Notre-Dame

Daily Mass

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The Basilica welcomes you every day. Let us celebrate and live our faith together.

Let Us Live Our Faith Together

As a French-speaking parish, please note that Masses are in French only.


Doors open 30 minutes before each service. Masses are celebrated in French only. We take no reservations for Masses, except for midnight Mass on December 25.


For recollection, prayer and meditation, the Basilica displays the Blessed Sacrament.


Adoration takes place Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 8:45 and from 12:45pm to 1:30pm. Confession takes place Monday to Friday, 45 minutes after the 7:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Masses; 15 minutes before the 5 p.m. Mass on Saturdays; and 15 minutes before the 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Masses on Sundays. 

Follow During Mass

Download the PDF of this week's parish bulletin to follow the mass hymns on your smartphone.


Please note that this leaflet is only available in French.

Mass Intention

You can request that a mass be celebrated for someone dear to you.


It is also possible to request that the shrine lamp be lit for 7 days for the intention of the person making the request.

1600x900 Sanctuary Lamp

Request a Mass Intention and/or Sanctuary Lamp

Please specify in your message whether you would like a mass intention and/or a sanctuary lamp, as well as the intention (name of person) for which the mass is celebrated and/or the sanctuary lamp is lit.


Mass intention : 40 CAD

Sanctuary lamp : 30 CAD

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Notre-Dame Basilica of Montréal Foundation

Reconnect with classical music or jazz. All proceeds will go to the Restoration Project, a long term endeavor managed by the Notre-Dame Basilica’s Foundation.


Under the direction of Jean-Pierre Zanella, a jazz quartet brings a touch of warmth to early spring, with Brazilian-inspired music on April 12th.

Get your tickets