Legal Notice

Privacy Policy

Mentions legales confidentialite2

We Respect Your Privacy

We respect your privacy and undertake to protect the personal information of our users. We have adopted this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) in order to be transparent about the data we collect, why we collect it, with whom we share it, how you can access it and how to correct it, if necessary.


We recognize our obligation to manage your data responsibly. We do not and will not sell your data to third parties.


This policy applies to the use of the website. Please read it carefully to understand on which occasions you provide us with your information and how the Basilica uses it. By using our website, you consent to the use of your personal information as described in this Policy. The terms “we,” “us,” “our” and “the Basilica” refer to La Fabrique de la paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal. 


In order to make this Policy as clear as possible, we have identified the occasions on which a user may potentially share personal information with the Basilica. The Policy thus contains the following sections:


  • Navigating the Basilica’s website
  • Buying tickets through Ticketpro to visit the Basilica or for the Aura experience
  • Contacting us through our website


The information collected through these actions will be discussed in more detail in this Privacy Policy. How your personal information is used, how and when it may be shared, how you can access and control it, how we ensure that your information is secure and how to contact us will be covered.



Navigating the Basilica’s Website

Should you try to learn more about the Basilica and our services by contacting our customer service for more information or signing up for our newsletter, there is a possibility that you will visit our website on which information will be collected.

We collect: your IP address, information provided by cookies and similar technologies, such as the type and version of browser you use to access our website, the page that brought you to our website, the amount of time you spend on our website, the pages you choose to visit, the time you spend on each page, and the date and time you access our website. We also collect information such as your browser identification, its operating language, your operating system and your geographic location. Information about your activities and interactions on our website, such as the sections you visit and the videos you watch, is also collected. Lastly, we collect the information you provide the first time you contact us.

Why: The data collected allows us to analyze how our website is used and accessed, and is used to enhance its functionality and optimize it to better meet the needs of our users. We also use this data to offer you quality service and communicate with you to help you easily find the information you are looking for.

Legal basis: This information is necessary for our legitimate interests (improving and customizing our services) and yours (answering your inquiries and allowing you to contact us).

The information collected by cookies does not allow us to personally identify you. You may choose to decline cookies, either through your web browser or the pop-up window that appears on our website. However, should you decline cookies, you may not be able to access certain parts or features of our website.



Buying Tickets through the Basilica Website


When you purchase a ticket from our website’s box office that directs you to Fever, we collect your first and last name, email address, complete mailing address, telephone number, language preference and, optionally, your gender and age.


Why: We use this information to process the transaction that allows you to purchase your tickets for the Basilica's sightseeing visit or The AURA Experience and for statistical analysis and marketing purposes.


Legal basis: This information is necessary to fulfill a contract. It is also used for the legitimate interests of the ticket purchaser (to obtain the products purchased) and La Fabrique de la paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal (to ensure that we are paid and to obtain information on our customers to adjust our marketing strategy).


Should you refuse to provide us with the requested personal information, we may not be able to fulfill your request and respond to your questions, for example.



Contacting the Basilica’s Customer Service Department


You may have questions and wish to contact us through the Contact section of our website. This will require you to provide us with personal information.


We collect: your first name, last name, email address and any other information you voluntarily provide in your communications with us.


Why: We use this information to communicate with you in response to any inquiries you may send us through the Contact section of our website or to assist you with your order-related questions. This information allows us to establish contact with you and ensure a personalized and efficient experience.


Legal basis: This information is necessary to correctly identify any person contacting us and respond to related questions and requests (your legitimate interests and ours).



How We Use Your Data


We use the data we collect to enhance and personalize your experience on our website. We also use the data we collect to communicate with you through our newsletter and to respond to messages you send from the Contact section of our website. Lastly, we collect your data in order to track your ticket purchases on Fever.


We use your data to:

  • Improve our website by developing new features, conducting research and maintaining the website’s current performance
  • Provide you with the best possible customer service
  • Create statistics to guide our business decisions
  • Communicate with you, whether for marketing, advertising or account management purposes
  • Ensure that we meet our contractual and legal obligations to you
  • Keep our records up to date
  • Track your ticket orders



Our Use of Cookies

When you visit our website, you may provide us with information through cookies or similar technologies. 


Cookies are files containing a small amount of data about a particular user. This data may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are stored on a user’s computer or on the hard drive of another device. These allow us to tailor your user experience each time you visit our website.


You may read our cookie policy here.


With Whom We Share Your Data & Why We Do So


Under no circumstances do we sell our users’ personal information. Your data is only shared in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, we may share your personal information with the following parties:


Third-party service providers: In the course of our business, we may need to share some of your data with certain third parties.  For example, we may share some of your data with our IT service providers.


Generally, the providers we use will only collect, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to perform the services they provide to us, such as hosting our website through Amazon Web Services.


However, some third-party service providers have their own privacy policies regarding the information we are required to provide to them when we use their services. With respect to these providers, we recommend that you read their privacy policies carefully so that you may understand how they will process the personal information about you that they collect.


Once you leave our website or are redirected to a third-party website or application, you are no longer governed by this Policy.


List of IT Service Providers


Privacy Notice:


The EU has recognized that Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) provides an adequate level of protection.


The EU has recognized that Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) provides an adequate level of protection.


Facebook uses the standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission:


To learn more about Google’s cookie policy:

To prevent your data from being collected by Google Analytics:

Google uses the standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission:

To personalize the ads appearing on Google’s various platforms:


The EU has recognized that Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) provides an adequate level of protection.


The EU has recognized that Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) provides an adequate level of protection.


Parties with whom disclosure may be legally required: We may disclose your information where required by law or where such disclosure is necessary to:


  • Comply with the law or any legal proceeding
  • Protect the rights or property of the Basilica
  • Protect the security of our website, our users and their data
    Parties which may be involved in a financial transaction with the Basilica: We may transfer your data following a change of control, sale, merger, liquidation, restructuring or acquisition of the Basilica. We will only do so if the party acquiring your information agrees to comply with this Privacy Policy.


You may be led to leave our website by clicking on certain links on our website. We assume no liability for the privacy practices of such other websites and recommend that you read their privacy policies carefully.


Your Rights


Data protection laws give you certain rights to your information. In particular, you may:


  • Request access to your data in order to verify it, but note that we reserve the right to ask you for additional information to prove your identity
  • Ask us to modify or rectify your data
  • Ask us to delete personal data we hold, unless we are required to retain it in order to comply with legal obligations, for example
  • Object to the processing of your data, unless we have legitimate reasons that would take precedence over your rights or interests or should we need to continue processing the data to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim
  • Ask us to restrict the processing of your data should it be incorrect, should you believe that our processing of your data is unlawful or should we no longer need to process your data but need to retain it for legal purposes
  • Ask us for your personal data in an accessible format
  • Withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data
  • File a complaint with a competent authority should you believe that we are processing your data in violation of applicable data protection laws



Access & Control of Your Data


You may verify, modify or delete your personal information by sending us an email through the Contact section of our website. We will respond to your request as soon as possible. Please provide us with enough information so we can identify you and respond to your request.



Data Storage Location

Your personal information is hosted on Amazon Web Services servers located in Canada.



Retention Period of Your Data


We will retain all information collected for as long as it is needed to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or for other essential purposes, such as meeting legal obligations. We will dispose of your data should you decide to withdraw your consent. Once your data has been deleted, you will receive a confirmation that your request has been fulfilled.





To protect your personal data, we take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices to ensure that it is not lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered or inappropriately destroyed.


For example, our website uses HTTPS for communications, secured by an SSL certificate.


Data is stored in a database that can only be accessed by our server, which is protected by a firewall system that blocks any suspicious requests. A whitelisting system has also been installed to prevent any unauthorized address from accessing certain services on our server.

Should you have any questions about the security of your personal data, please send us an email through the Contact section of our website.



Age of Consent


We do not solicit or collect personal information from minors. If you are a parent or guardian and you become aware that a minor has provided us with personal information, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from a minor without parental consent, we will delete any information that may have been collected.


Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec 


If you are not satisfied with our response to a request regarding your personal information, you may contact the Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec, the public body responsible for overseeing personal data management and processing practices in Quebec.



Suite 18.200
500 René-Lévesque Blvd.
Montréal, Quebec  H2Z 1W7
Telephone: 514-873-4196
Fax: 514-844-6170


Toll-free: 1-888-528-7741





European Data Protection Authorities


If you are not satisfied with our response to a request regarding your personal information, you may, if you are a resident of Europe, contact the relevant supervisory authority to lodge a complaint. You may find a list of these authorities here.



Amendments to this Privacy Policy


We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Amendments and clarifications will take effect immediately upon posting to our website. Should we make any amendments to the content of this Policy, we will inform you that it has been updated here, such that you will know which information we collect, how we use it and in which circumstances, if any, we disclose it.



Questions & Contact Information


Should you wish to access, correct, modify or delete any personal information we have about you, file a complaint or simply receive more information, you may contact us through the Contact section of our website.


Updated on May 19, 2024